
Expanding Nobody Cares: A Rant

I was reading Nobody Cares and found myself nodding and going “abso-fucking-lutely yes”, and once I finished reading what I consider to be the sad state of people in the world today, I wanted it to continue.

I’ve written about this many times in the blog (example 1, example 2), but I found myself wanting to write some more about the fact that most people don’t care and they are OK with living this way. It makes me crazy!

I needed to get this out of my head, so here’s the rant.

“You're on the sidewalk and someone has headphones in, walking in the center of the path. A mom and stroller are behind them. They can't hear her "excuse me" to get their attention. They have not even considered the possibility that anyone in the world exists but them. They do not care.”

One of the latest objects that attracts my dislike and it borderlines hostility and simply pure hate, is Honda drivers. It used to be Volvo drivers, which used to be a world-wide phenomena leading to the curse “stop being a Volvo driver!”. But somehow, Honda drivers have surpassed them. At least in the United States.

Honda drivers, especially the older CR-V and Accord drivers, and in some lesser capacity Acura, which is Honda with some more shiny stuff, don’t care. They drive with the high beam lights on - yes, if you see a car coming towards you or behind you, with the high beams on, there is a 83% chance that it is a Honda (based on observations over a six month period. Yes I took notes because it was impossible not to notice), they often go 5-10 MPH below the speed limit, and they usually can be found on the fast lane, going WAY below the speed limit, causing a big line of cars behind them and forcing us, efficient drivers, to have to pass them on the right. They usually are oblivious to the traffic lights, meaning, they either don’t go on green, or they - for whatever reason - go on red. Maybe this is because they always tint their windows, and often the windshield, leaving them unable to see? I don’t know... They just are Honda drivers. These people LOVE to install very noisy exhaust pipes-ends that sound like either you are shooting a M2 50 Cal or you are in the presence of a Formula One car… But here’s the thing, they rave that throttle all the time, waking you up at midnight, but they drive it at such incredible low speeds that all you want to do is just go at it - literally since you can walk by its side, they are that slow - and hit it with a sledge hammer.

Honda drivers don’t care. And I’m tired of them. It has caused me to have to maneuver many times in ways that I would never do just to avoid being stuck behind them. It’s just fucking infuriating. Please fucking go away!

I can go on forever about these people but you get the point. It’s just bad.

The other group of people that currently go beyond the “don’t care” stage into a complete “not only I don’t care, I’m becoming dumber by the second” one, is the 18 to 25ish year olds. Yes, this will be a generalization, but fuck it, I don’t care - since none of them do anyway. This generation, or group, or age, or whatever, are so focused on their TikToks, their Snapchats, their world of influencers, and their attention span of half a minute, that cause everyone around them to have to work doubly hard to avoid them in the street or at work.

They not only are oblivious to their surroundings, but they have become a danger to themselves and those around them. But they don’t care.

With their eyes glued to their phones and with their ears covered by massive, noise cancelling headphones, they are completely cut off from the world around them, leading often to them running into things - whing fuck you, if you are an idiot, then get hurt - or cause other people to be injured because they do shit that in turn make people have to do things to avoid them and causing the good people to run into things. How many times have you been driving, for example, and this kid just crosses the street unaware that the light is green and traffic is coming? Yeah... It happens to me more than once a week.

These people don’t care. The latest update from Taylor Swift is more important than the lives and well-being of any one around them.

Now, if the only people hurt by the stupidity of these people are the stupid people, then I’d be OK, but unfortunately it’s not the case. They cause the rest of us to be hurt, late, angry, etc. They do not care.

Maybe I shouldn’t care either, but I can’t. That’s not how I was educated.

Anyway, look around you, look at the idiots that don’t care. These people are not real idiots, they do not have a mental disability, they chose to be idiots. They chose the fact that they don’t care and their carelessness causes pain to anyone else around them. They chose to be this way.

So, what to do? I don’t know. The world seems to be getting dumber by the second, and the few that are fueling this behavior (you know the usual suspects), are getting richer by this, so I expect this to be more so in the future, especially with AI being thrown into the mix.

Ah... Fuck them. Fuck them hard.


I originally meant to write this, but since my mind’s been a bit all over the place lately, I’m getting to it now. The reason I’m finally writing this down is that I recently had to fly out of the Orlando, FL Airport, and the experience was so frustrating that it really hammered home how little people care. It was a reminder of just how awful some people can be.

Let’s start with the organization of the Airport, which might be a topic for an entire book, which is one of the worst I’ve seen in the world. I have been to more than 100 countries in many places, some in very rich countries, and some in poorer ones. Some that give a fuck about people, and most that don’t. The Orlando airport is probably ranked within the bottom five of the worst airports.

It confuses people, it forces you to have to wander around searching for the shortest possible security line, which is an impossibility, because it’s so disorganized that you have multiple entries to the security areas, managed by the airport “security” personnel, leading to massive lines of people seemingly standing there, but no, they are waiting for the line to move forward, which it does at a 10 minutes increments… It took me 23 minutes to get to the person that checked my ID, and another 32 minutes to go through the actual security point, which of course had me removing shoes, belts, liquids, electronics, my soul... All because the person that was checking the scanner was an older - about to retire - TSA agent. Well, that was what I was told when I asked the guy as to why we were not moving... The older agent barely checked anything, I was there watching... It was bad. Does the TSA care? No. Does the airport management care? No.

Yeah, this included the TSA Pre and Clear lines, which in some cases were even longer than the “normal” ones. So, no luck for the “prechecked”.

The "best" were some of the passengers.

What does a metal detector detect? Metal. So what do you think will happen when you go through that with metal in your pocket?


That caused more delays as the idiots had to remove all, go back, be scanned again, and be asked 20 questions...

Do these idiots care about the other people trying to get to their flights in an efficient manner? No.

For the love of all that is simple and good and efficient, can we have two lines: one for efficient people and one for idiots?