Work The Grid
It’s been snowing quite a bit here and every day, in the morning, I have to shovel snow. Usually it’s a two hour endeavor since the driveway is wide. There’s a lot of area to cover.
The first thing that strikes me when I step outside to shovel snow is the sheer scope of the task. It can feel overwhelming, especially if it’s something you have to do daily. But I choose to look at it differently. I see it as a chance to get a workout, which is always cool, and also as a way to strengthen my mental resilience.
What I do is simple: I divide the area into smaller grid squares and start working the grid. Each square is smaller, so I focus on the task at hand, which is clearing the square. I don’t care about the totality of the task while I do that, only the one in front of me. Once I’m done with that square I go to the next one. I work the grid.
And I keep on working the grid until it’s done. I repeat the “work the grid” mantra as I go, focusing me and allowing my mind to go blank. Meditation in movement, sort of.
Similar to what I do when I work with big projects, I divide the task into smaller chunks, grid squares in this case, and work the grid. And if something doesn’t work, well, I adapt, change what I need to change, and then get a new grid, and work it.
It’s very tempting to cut corners, to half ass it. Don’t. Just work the grid.
The task will be done. There is always a beginning and an end. What you do in between counts.