App Preview
Since I have a good working beta, I thought it would a good idea to show you what this app is all about. Here's a little preview of the web app, running on Safari. This is essentially a Golang web app serving plain html.

The data is saved locally on your computer, as was one of my original goals. There is a native Mac app and a command line that allow you to work with the data, all plain text saved as a JSON formatted file. If you chose to save the data on a directory that is being synced with a service, like Dropbox in my case, then the web app can get to that data.
Yes, the web app needs the credentials for the service, but I'm saving those encrypted in a way that only the user has access to those credentials and API keys. This allows not only the web app to access the data, but the iOS app I'm writing too.
Right now only Dropbox and Git are supported. The reason is simple, they both save information locally. If you have no internet connection, or the services go down (or stop working), you can still access your data, and you are not depending on the vendors. I'll add more similar services in the future.
The app works great, it's lightweight, and keeps all the data simply displayed.
I'll let some people become beta testers soon.