
These are some of the projects I'm working on. Nothing prime-time worth, I think, but that's ok. I wrote these for me.


CentralHub is an app that I wrote to help me organize and access my notes, todo's, and key bookmarks. I'm expanding it in a modular way so I can begin to collect other data in the future. The idea is that I can at any given time enable or disable modules and the data will or will not be displayed based on that.

It looks like this:

app preview

The data is saved locally on your computer, as was one of my original goals. There is a native Mac app and a command line that allow you to work with the data, all plain text saved as a JSON formatted file. If you chose to save the data on a directory that is being synced with a service, like Dropbox in my case, then the web app can get to that data.

Yes, the web app needs some rework, but since I'm mostly working on the Mac and command lines with this, I've been slow in getting this done.

Mood Tracker

I'm working on a simple mood tracker app for iOS and iPadOS. The app will allow you to quickly and simply record the mood you currently have, add any notes about what led to the mood, and help you visualize daily, weekly, and monthly stats. Writing this for me to help me deal with some of the residual side effects of PTSD and the TBI.

I'm going to post a preview soon. Right now I'm focusing on the math behind it, so the UI is less than stellar.


ManagementHub is a collection of scripts is several languages (BASH, Go, Python, and C) that work together to both help manage large numbers of Linux and BSD servers, and provide real-time dashboards and visualizations.

The scrips are constantly being tweaked and changed based on needs and bugs found. But the next bulk of the work that I'm doing is to create a web interface. Learning new technology for that. More soon.

Most likely I'll open up the repo and open source all those scripts for anyone that find them useful.


RssR is a simple command line RSS feed reader. It keeps all the information in plain text locally and updates via a cron job running the background.

This is the result of trying to find good and lightweight RSS readers and not really finding one that was simple.


Or Automated Drone Security System. I'm building a self-deployed drone that can come out of its storage when a person or animal is detected around a geofenced location. The drone will deploy, go to altitude and begin sending video to an iOS app while also taking pictures and storing them on Dropbox.

Working currently on the automation code and geofence.