
Dealing With Information

I can’t remember how I landed on the site, but after reading Operating Principles for Information Diet, I realized I’ve had my own principles as well for a long time. Those principles have been informing how I consume information, how I search for new things, and what I do when I find something of interest.

Here are my own Dealing With Information Principles:

  1. I always initiate the search for information. I might rely on recommendations from a search engine or algorithm, but this is after I requested it.
  2. If something new is learned, go deep and try to learn as much as possible about it. Spend time truly understanding the thing.
  3. Focus on delivery. If a person delivers content in a simple, clear way, stick with it. Do not waste time with content that needs to be “extracted” for clarity. If it’s not clear from the beginning, move on, life is short.
  4. Once you find someone that speaks to you or someone who you identify with, follow that person and see what else he/she has to say. More often than not there are hidden gems to be found.
  5. Absorb it and make it yours. If someone taught you something, adapt it to your lifestyle and make it work for you. It’s about paying it forward.