
On Choices

The freedom to be able to choose is a wonderful thing to have. The ability to select what’s best for us gives us power. However, having too many choices, or things to choose from, sometimes can feel a bit overwhelming, leading to decision paralysis.

This is why I like to give myself restrictions. I embrace the ability to have the freedom of choice, but I control how many things I need to choose from.

For example, the color of my wardrobe. My shirts, pants, sweaters, and jackets can only be bought in a certain, and VERY reduced, number of colors. This ensures two things: first, I can choose what to buy when I need one new item, and second, it enables my closet to remain minimal since I can combine, due to the color range, many pieces of clothing to create different outfits.

Restrictions still allow me to have the freedom of choice, but it’s there as a guardrail to prevent the inability of being able to make a choice.

"Our lives are fashioned by our choices. First we make our choices. Then our choices make us."

— Anne Frank