Auer Notes
I have been helping a friend test his app, an awesome and simple app called Auer Notes, for the past several weeks.

Auer Notes is a plain text, simple, and private note taking app for Mac, with a Linux and Windows version in the making. The reason I like it a lot is because it really blends smoothly with the way I work. As I wrote in Setup and Tools, one of my main everyday tools is a good note taking app. Auer Notes gives me something that Apple Notes hasn’t given me so far: a way to save my notes in plain text, and like my own apps, locally.
He and I share similar thoughts about simple software and how we should strive for light processes and interfaces. So, in that light, I have to say that Auer Notes doesn’t have a lot of features. In fact, it lacks most of the features you would get with an app like Apple Notes. However, after a few weeks of working with it almost exclusively, I found myself not needing any more features aside from the ones given.
The app gives you a simple interface, where you can create notes, search them, and save them locally on your drive, in a place of your choice. You can choose to sync the notes via a service, or not, it’s up to you. And, if for whatever reason, the app stops working, stops being developed, or whatever, the data remains yours, in plain text. Ready to be opened by any other app.

There is an alpha version available for download right now. It’s still not a completed app, but I’ve been using it for my notes for 10 days already. It’s been great.
Highly recommeded.